Mixed Matters

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Are We In The Last Days?

Are We In The Last Days?

All these hurricanes, landslides, and earthquakes. The growing pockets of poor and homeless here and abroad. I don’t really know if it is because I’m paying more attention to the evening news – you know, Hurricane Katrina re-ignited my repulsion yet undying curiosity with the doom and destruction served up at five, six and eleven PM. That could very well be the problem.
I remember simpler days, when having to face Debt Consolidation appeared to be the marker for imminent disaster, even if it was just my own personal one. Falling behind in bills after college and before landing the big job is truly no joke.
But back to the gloom and doom of the present day. These relentless hurricanes. Looks like Wilma is getting ready to come in and do her thing. Add to that two children run over and killed by a high speed motorist outside their elementary school, the war still going on, gas prices, the president getting ready to snatch away some of the homeowner tax breaks in the blue states, and well, I think I better call my doctor for some of that anti-depressant medication Americans seem so fond of.
Seriously, though, I attribute my pre-last-days-paranoia to the amount of television I have been consuming. Have you ever turned away from the news and just listened to the way the newscasters talk? Everything, every story starts out in a very serious, hushed tone. As the story builds, more emphasis is placed on certain words, like murder, homicide, theft, home-break-ins, fugitives. Just when you’ve started shaking your head and wondering if the world has gone to hell in a handbasket, they start in on something else equally as dismal. And there’s no break between the stories, it’s just a constant stream of bad news, a mental beat down, there to greet you after a long day at the office, a long commute, and a long evening of trying to get dinner for yourself or your loved ones. Add a truly grisly, frightening story about a serial killer on the loose, and well, you know the rest.
After I watch Lost and Invasion tonight, the television goes off. If we are indeed in the last days, I don’t really want to hear about it from the local news.

Chandra Adams
Shades of Retribution


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